Our Department's Publications

Peer-reviewed Publications

Title Authors In: Year Type
How do coffee farmers engage with digital technologies? A capabilities perspective Hidalgo, Francisco; Birkenberg, Athena; Daum, Thomas; Bosch, Christine; Quiñones-Ruiz, Xiomara F. Agriculture and human values,  (1–17). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2024 Journal Article
How do governance mechanisms between farmer and traders advance sustainability goals and enhance the resilience of agricultural value chains? Navarrete-Cruz, Angela; Birkenberg, Athena World development perspectives, 35 (1–14). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2024 Journal Article
Hybrid intelligence for reconciling biodiversity and productivity in agriculture Berger, Thomas; Gimpel, Henner; Stein, Anthony; Troost, Christian; Asseng, Sentholt; Bichler, Martin; Bieling, Claudia; Birner, Regina; Grass, Ingo; Kollmann, Johannes; Leonhardt, Sara Diana; Schurr, Frank M.; Weisser, Wolfgang Nature food, 5 (270–272). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2024 Journal Article
Strengthening the accountability of agricultural field agents: a principal-agent perspective Namyenya, Angella; Rwamigisa, Patience B.; Birner, Regina The journal of agricultural education and extension, 30 (363–386). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2024 Journal Article
Addressing agricultural labour issues is key to biodiversity-smart farming Daum, Thomas; Baudron, Frédéric; Birner, Regina; Qaim, Matin; Grass, Ingo Biological conservation, 284 (1–14). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2023 Journal Article
A social network analysis to determine success factors of food security innovations in Tanzania Mefor, Ernestine; Schröter, Barbara; Graef, Frieder; Delgadillo, Estephania Journal of development effectiveness, 15 (240–263). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2023 Journal Article
Digitalization, sustainability, and coffee. Opportunities and challenges for agricultural development Hidalgo, Francisco; Quiñones-Ruiz, Xiomara F.; Birkenberg, Athena; Daum, Thomas; Bosch, Christine; Hirsch, Patrick; Birner, Regina Agricultural systems, 208 (103660). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2023 Journal Article
Entering the digital research age: Investigating the effectiveness of visual digital tools in agricultural research Kawerau, Laura; Birkenberg, Athena; Daum, Thomas; Butele, Cosmas Alfred; Birner, Regina Field methods,  (1–18). Place: Thousand Oaks, CA Publisher: SAGE Publications 2023 Journal Article
Nutrition-sensitive lockdowns: conceptual framework and empirical insights from Africa during COVID-19 Daum, Thomas; Biesalski, Hans Konrad; Blaschke, Nikola; Bosch, Christine; Güttler, Denise; Heni, Jakob; Kariuki, Juliet; Katusiime, Roseline; Seidel, Anna; Senon, Zinsou-Narcisse; Woode, George; Birner, Regina Development policy review, 41 (1–20). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2023 Journal Article
Unpacking the behavioral intentions of ‘emergent farmers’ towards mechanized conservation agriculture in Zambia Omulo, Godfrey; Daum, Thomas; Köller, Karlheinz; Birner, Regina Land use policy, 136 (1–13). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2023 Journal Article
Analysing the performance of agricultural extension managers: a case study from Uganda Namyenya, Angella; Zeller, Manfred; Rwamigisa, Patience B.; Birner, Regina The journal of agricultural education and extension, 28 (363–389). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2022 Journal Article
Community forest monitoring and the social reproduction of inequalities in Ghana Asumang-Yeboah, Doreen; Mensah Kumeh, Eric; Brobbey, Lawrence Kwabena Geoforum, 134 (86–95). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
E-diary: a digital tool for strengthening accountability in agricultural extension Namyenya, Angella; Daum, Thomas; Rwamigisa, Patience B.; Birner, Regina Information technology for development, 28 (319–345). Place: Abingdon Publisher: Routledge 2022 Journal Article
Socioeconomic analysis of soil-less farming system : an comparative evidence from Jordan, the Middle East Ghanayem, Ansam Abdullah; Almohamed, Salwa; Al Assaf, Amani; Majdalawi, Mohammad International journal of food and agricultural economics, 10 (205–223). Place: Niğde Publisher: Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University 2022 Journal Article
Gender relations in smallholder cattle production in Zambia Lubungu, Mary; Birner, Regina World development perspectives, 22 (100309). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Livestock diversification for improved resilience and welfare outcomes under climate risks in Kenya Ngigi, Marther W.; Müller, Ulrike; Birner, Regina The European journal of development research, 33 (1625–1648). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2021 Journal Article
Ten people-centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration Elias, Marlène; Kandel, Matt; Mansourian, Stephanie; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Crossland, Mary; Joshi, Deepa; Kariuki, Juliet; Lee, Lynn C.; McElwee, Pamela; Sen, Amrita; Sigman, Emily; Singh, Ruchika; Adamczyk, Emily M.; Addoah, Thomas; Agaba, Genevieve; Alare, Rahinatu S.; Anderson, Will; Arulingam, Indika; Bellis, SGiids Kung Vanessa; Birner, Regina; De Silva, Sanjiv; Dubois, Mark; Duraisami, Marie; Featherstone, Mike; Gallant, Bryce; Hakhu, Arunima; Irvine, Robyn; Kiura, Esther; Magaju, Christine; McDougall, Cynthia; McNeill, Gwiisihlgaa Daniel; Nagendra, Harini; Nghi, Tran Huu; Okamoto, Daniel K.; Paez Valencia, Ana Maria; Pagella, Tim; Pontier, Ondine; Post, Miranda; Saunders, Gary W.; Schreckenberg, Kate; Shelar, Karishma; Sinclair, Fergus; Gautam, Rajendra S.; Spindel, Nathan B.; Unnikrishnan, Hita; Wilson, Gulxa taa’a gaagii ng.aang Nadine; Winowiecki, Leigh Restoration ecology, 30 (1–8). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2021 Journal Article
The potential of carbon neutral labeling to engage coffee consumers in climate change mitigation Birkenberg, Athena; Narjes, Manuel; Weinmann, Bettina; Birner, Regina Journal of cleaner production, 278 (1–13). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Using smartphone app collected data to explore the link between mechanization and intra‐household allocation of time in Zambia Daum, Thomas; Capezzone, Filippo; Birner, Regina Agriculture and human values, 38 (411–429). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2021 Journal Article
Who drives the digital revolution in agriculture?: A review of supply-side trends, players and challenges Birner, Regina; Daum, Thomas; Pray, Carl E. Applied economic perspectives and policy, 43 (1260–1285). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2021 Journal Article
Factors determining the loan repayment performance of a government microcredit program for the handloom weavers in Bangladesh Parvin, Tania; Birner, Regina; Mila, Farhana Arefeen International journal of business & management science, 10 (101–116). Place: Gatton Publisher: Society for Alliance, Fidelity & Advancement 2020 Journal Article
Perceived effects of farm tractors in four African countries, highlighted by participatory impact diagrams Daum, Thomas; Adegbola, Ygué Patrice; Kamau, Geoffrey; Kergna, Alpha Oumar; Daudu, Christogonus; Zossou, Roch Cedrique; Crinot, Géraud Fabrice; Houssou, Paul; Mose, Lawrence; Ndirpaya, Yarama; Wahab, A. A.; Kirui, Oliver; Oluwole, Fatunbi Abiodun Agronomy for sustainable development, 40 (19 Seiten–19 Seiten). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2020 Journal Article
Stimulating smallholder dairy market and livestock feed improvements through local innovation platforms in the Himalayan foothills of India Ravichandran, Thanammal; Teufel, Nils; Capezzone, Filippo; Birner, Regina; Duncan, Alan J. Food policy, 95 (1–13). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2020 Journal Article
Transparency in the governance of landscape restoration finance: A case study of Ghana’s Forest Plantation Development Fund Kumeh, Eric Mensah; Kyereh, Boateng; Oduro, Kwame Antwi; Brobbey, Lawrence Kwabena; Nketiah, Samuel Kwabena Scientific African, 6 (1–12). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2019 Journal Article
Assessment of Ghana’s Comparative Advantage in Maize Production and the Role of Fertilizers Scheiterle, Lilli; Birner, Regina Sustainability, . Place: Basel Publisher: MDPI 2018 Journal Article
From Commodity-Based Value Chains to Biomass-Based Value Webs: The Case of Sugarcane in Brazil’s Bioeconomy Scheiterle, Lilli; Ulmer, Alina; Birner, Regina; Pyka, Andreas Journal of cleaner production, 172 (3851–3863). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2018 Journal Article
Is Africa ready to develop a competitive bioeconomy? The case of the cassava value web in Ghana Poku, Adu-Gyamfi; Birner, Regina; Gupta, Saurabh Journal of cleaner production, 200 (134–147). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2018 Journal Article
Making Contract Farming Arrangements Work in Africa’s Bioeconomy: Evidence from Cassava Outgrower Schemes in Ghana Poku, Adu-Gyamfi; Birner, Regina; Gupta, Saurabh Sustainability, 10 (1–21, Artikiel). Place: Basel Publisher: MDPI 2018 Journal Article
Smartphone apps as a new method to collect data on smallholder farming systems in the digital age: A case study from Zambia Daum, Thomas; Buchwald, Hannes; Gerlicher, Ansgar; Birner, Regina Computers and electronics in agriculture, . Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2018 Journal Article
Can Grassroots Mobilisation of the Poorest Reduce Corruption? A Tale of Governance Reforms and Struggle against Petty Corruption in Bihar, India Verma, J.; Gupta, S.; Birner, R. Development and change,  (339–363). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2017 Journal Article
Gender Differences in Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Participation in Group-based Approaches: An Intra-household Analysis from Rural Kenya Ngigi, M. W.; Mueller, U.; Birner, R. Ecological economics,  (9–9). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2017 Journal Article
To eradicate or not to eradicate? Recommendations on Prosopis juliflora management in Afar, Ethiopia, from an interdisciplinary perspective Ilukor, J.; Rettberg, S.; Treydte, A. C.; Birner, R. Pastoralism, 6 (14–22). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2016 Journal Article
To Eradicate or Not to Eradicate? Recommendations on Prosopis Juliflora Management in Afar, Ethiopia, from an Interdisciplinary Perspective Ilukor, J.; Rettberg, S.; Treydte, A.; Birner, R. 2016 Book Section
Donors and Domestic Policy Makers: Two Worlds in Agricultural Policy-Making? Mockshell, J.; Birner, R. Food policy,  (1–14). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2015 Journal Article
The Provision of Veterinary Services: Who are the Influential Actors and What are the Governance Challenges? A Case Study of Uganda. Ilukor, J.; Birner, R.; Rwamigisa, P. B.; Nantima, N. Experimental agriculture, 51 (408 – 434). Place: Cambridge Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2015 Journal Article
Determinants of referrals from paraprofessionals to veterinarians in Uganda and Kenya Ilukor, J.; Nielsen, T.; Birner, R. Preventive veterinary medicine, 114 (164–173). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2014 Journal Article
Nachhaltige ressourceneffiziente Erhöhung der Flächenproduktivität: Zukunftsoptionen der deutschen Agrarökosystemforschung. Grundsatzpapier der DFG Senatskommission für Agrarökosystemforschung Wolters, V.; Isselstein, J.; Stützel, H.; Ordon, F.; van Haaren, C.; Schlecht, E.; Wesseler, J.; Birner, R.; von Lützow, M.; Brüggemann, N.; Diekkrüger, B.; Fangmeier, A.; Flessa, H.; Kage, H.; Kaupenjohann, M.; Kögel-Knabner, I.; Mosandl, R.; Seppelt, R. Journal für Kulturpflanzen = Journal of cultivated plants, 66 (225–236). Place: Stuttgart Publisher: Verlag Eugen Ulmer 2014 Journal Article
Amendment of the Fertiliser Application Ordinance: Limiting Nutrient Surpluses Effectively Taube, F.; Balmann, A.; Bauhus, J.; Birner, R.; Bokelmann, W.; Christen, O.; Gauly, M.; Grethe, H.; Holm-Müller, K.; Horst, W.; Knierim, U.; Nieberg, H.; Latacz-Lohmann, U.; Qaim, M.; Spiller, A.; Täuber, S.; Weingarten, P.; Wiesler, F. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 219 (1–12). Place: Stuttgart Publisher: Kohlhammer Verlag 2013 Journal Article
Assessing the sustainability of different small-scale livestock production systems in the Afar region, Ethiopia Atanga, N. L.; Treydte, A. C.; Birner, R. Land, 2 (726–755). Place: Basel Publisher: MDPI 2013 Journal Article
Assessing the Sustainability of Different Small-Scale Livestock Production Systems in the Afar Region, Ethiopia. Atanga, N.; Treydte, A.; Birner, R. Land, 2(4) (726–755). Place: Basel Publisher: MDPI 2013 Journal Article
Pastoralism and ecosystem‐based adaptation in Kenyan Masailand Osano, Philip M.; Said, Mohammed Y.; Leeuw, Jan; Moiko, Stephen S.; Kaelo, Dickson Ole; Schomers, Sarah; Birner, Regina; Ogutu, Joseph O. International journal of climate change strategies and management, 5 (198–214). Place: Bingley Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing 2013 Journal Article
Using Participatory Impact Diagrams to Evaluate a Community Development Project in Kenya Kariuki, J.; Njuki, J. Development in practice,  (90–106). Place: Abingdon Publisher: Routledge 2013 Journal Article
Why keep lions instead of livestock? Assessing wildlife tourism-based payment for ecosystem services involving herders in the Maasai Mara, Kenya Osano, Philip M.; Said, Mohammed Y.; de Leeuw, Jan; Ndiwa, Nicholas; Kaelo, Dickson; Schommers, Sarah; Birner, Regina; Ogutu, Joseph O. Natural resources forum, 37 (242–256). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2013 Journal Article
Agricultural land-use in forest frontier areas: Theory and evidence from Indonesia Maertens, Miet; Zeller, Manfred; Birner, Regina Environmental research, 5 (505–522). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2011 Journal Article
The Brazilian Program of Biodiesel and its "Pro-Poor" Strategy: Reality or Dream? A Multi-Dimensional Measurement of Poverty using Fuzzy Sets Finco, M. V. A.; Doppler, W. Quarterly journal of international agriculture, 50 (2) (133–154). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 2011 Journal Article
The Political Economy of Policies for Smallholder Agriculture Birner, R.; Resnick, D. World development, 38 (1442–1452). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2010 Journal Article
Agricultural Strategy Development in West Africa: The False Promise of Participation? Resnick, D.; Birner, R. Development policy review, 28 (97–115). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2009 Journal Article
From Best Practice to Best Fit: A Framework for Designing and Analyzing Pluralistic Agricultural Advisory Services Worldwide Birner, R.; Davis, K.; Pender, J.; Nkonya, E.; Anandajayasekeram, P.; Ekboir, J.; Mbabu, A.; Spielman, D.; Horna, D.; Benin, S.; Cohen, M. The journal of agricultural education and extension, 15 (341–355). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2009 Journal Article
What determines farmers´ resilience towards ENSO-related drought? An empirical assessment for Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Keil, Alwin; Zeller, Manfred; Wida, Anastasia; Sanim, Bunasor; Birner, Regina Climatic change, Vol. 86 (291–307). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2008 Journal Article
Sustainable agricultural intensification in forest frontier areas Maertens, Miet; Zeller, Manfred; Birner, Regina Agricultural economics, 34 (1–10). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2006 Journal Article
Relative importance and determinants of landowners' transaction costs in collaborative wildlife management in Kenya: An empirical analysis Mburu, John; Birner, Regina; Zeller, Manfred Ecological economics, 45 (59 – 73). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2003 Journal Article
”Ich kaufe, also will ich?” Eine interdisziplinäre Analyse der Entscheidung für oder gegen den Kauf besonders tier- und umweltfreundlich erzeugter Lebensmittel Birner, R.; Bräuer, I.; Grethe, H.; Hirschfeld, J.; Lüth, M.; Wälzholz, A.; Wenk, R.; Wittmer, H. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, 80 (590–613). Place: Stuttgart Publisher: Kohlhammer Verlag 2002 Journal Article
The Impact of Water Price Strategies on the Allocation of Irrigation Water - the Case of the Jordan Valley Doppler, W.; Salman, A. Z.; Karablieh, E. K.; Wolff, H.-P. Agricultural water management, 55/3 (171–182). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2002 Journal Article
Farming Systems in the Tropics and Subtropics. Doppler, W. Geographische Rundschau, 2 (65–72) 1994 Journal Article
Current approaches and future potential of farming systems research. Doppler, W. Quarterly journal of international agriculture, 28 (266–278). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 1989 Journal Article
The contribution of Agricultural Economists to the political decision making process. Results of the Conference of IAAE in Nairobi. Doppler, W. Quarterly journal of international agriculture, 1 (85–93). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 1977 Journal Article
Towards a general guideline of irrigation water charging policy. Doppler, W. Agricultural administration, 4 (121–129). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 1977 Journal Article
Changing agricultural production strategy in the Gezira, Sudan and its consequences. Doppler, W. Quarterly journal of international agriculture, 4 (477–492). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 1976 Journal Article

Other Publications

Title Authors In: Year Type
Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme und Landnutzungswandel: 63. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. vom 20. bis 22.9.2023 Braunschweig: Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. 59 2024 Book
Are community-based land restoration approaches sustainable? A mixed methods study of Ghana' s small-scale mining sector Adu-Baffour, Ferdinand; Daum, Thomas; Obeng, Elizabeth Asantewaa; Birner, Regina; Bosch, Christina Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme und Landnutzungswandel : 63. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. vom 20. bis 22.9.2023. 201–219, Braunschweig: Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Braunschweig: Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.. Issue: 59 2024 Conference Paper
Class structures as social networks of surplus transfers: A new analytical framework to research rural class relations in land, labour and capital markets Graf, Sarah; Bosch, Christine; Codjo, Emmanuel; Ojo, Christianah; Ojo, Temitope; Oyinbo, Oyakhilomen Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme und Landnutzungswandel : 63. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. vom 20. bis 22.9.2023. 457–459, Braunschweig: Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Braunschweig: Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.. Issue: 59 2024 Conference Paper
Financing climate‑smart agriculture: a case study from the Indo‑Gangetic Plains Villalba, Roberto; Joshi, Garima; Daum, Thomas; Venus, Terese E. Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change, 29 (1–25). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2024 Journal Article
Governance challenges of smallholder agricultural carbon projects and the potential of digital tools: Insights from Kenya Mantey, Vida; Birner, Regina; Birkenberg, Athena; Bosch, Christine; Yameogo, Viviane G.; Mburu, John Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2024 Report
Monitoring soil carbon in smallholder carbon projects: Insights from Kenya Okoli, Adaugo; Birkenberg, Athena Research Square. Pages: 1–26 Place: Durham, NC DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4191055/v1 2024 Document
Moving from productivity to sustainability in agricultural education? Perspectives from students and teachers in four African countries Yameogo, Viviane; Zosso, Roch Cedrique; Daum, Thomas; Scheiterle, Lilli; Adegbola, Ygué Patrice; Daudu, Christogonus; Kergna, Alpha Oumar; Mulinge, Wellington; Nientao, Abdoulaye; Angara, Usman Abdullahi; Fatunbi, Oluwole; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2024 Report
"Nachhaltigkeit muss sich lohnen für Landwirte": Agrarwissenschaftlerin Regina Birner über die Proteste, sinnvolle Subventionen und faire Handelsabkommen : Ein Interview von Jakob Maurer Maurer, Jakob; Birner, Regina Frankfurter Rundschau, 80 (14–14). Place: Frankfurt Publisher: Frankfurter Rundschau GmbH 2024 Journal Article
Redefining livestock systems for sustainable transitions in Africa Kariuki, Juliet; Yameogo, Viviane; Graf, Sarah; Laffoon, Bethany; Grau, Joshua; Birner, Regina; Daum, Thomas; Chagunda, Mizeck; Mulinge, Wellington; Lubungu, Mary Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2024 Report
Silicon savannah and smallholder farming: How can digitalization contribute to sustainable agricultural transformation in Africa? Njuguna, Evelyne; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina; Mburu, John Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2024 Report
Towards inclusive mechanization? Two-wheel tractor-based service markets in Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, and Zimbabwe Yahaya, Rabe; Daum, Thomas; Tadesse, Ephrem; Mupangwa, Walter; Barro, Albert; Matangi, Dorcas; Misiko, Michael; Baudron, Frédéric; Awoke, Bisrat Getnet; Odjo, Sylvanus; Sanogo, Daouda; Assefa, Rahel; Kassa, Abrham Journal of agribusiness in developing and emerging economies, . Place: Bingley Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing 2024 Journal Article
Agrarian change and land dispossession linked to the armed conflict in Colombia: a review Navarrete-Cruz, Angela; Birkenberg, Athena; Birner, Regina Third world quarterly, 44 (1526–1545). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2023 Journal Article
Animal traction, two-wheel tractors, or four-wheel tractors? A best-fit approach to guide farm mechanization in Africa Daum, Thomas; Seidel, Anna; Awoke, Bisrat G.; Birner, Regina Experimental agriculture, 59 (1–27). Place: Cambridge Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2023 Journal Article
Biodiversity-smart agriculture - the role of labour requirements Daum, Thomas; Baudron, Frédéric; Birner, Regina; Qaim, Matin; Grass, Ingo Rural 21 / Englische Ausgabe, 57 (36–38). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 2023 Journal Article
Contestations, counteractions and equitable conservation - a case study of Ghana's Krokosua Hills Forest Reserve Kumeh, Eric Mensah Forest policy and economics, 157 (1–10). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2023 Journal Article
Is community-supported agriculture a case of real utopia? The case of Germany Buecheler, Hannah; Bosch, Christine Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2023 Report
Landwirtschaft im Wandel - wie innovativ war die württembergische Landwirtschaft in den Jahren 1818 - 1877? Veh, Christine Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2023 Book
Making land rehabilitation projects work in small-scale mining areas: Insights from a case study in Ghana Adu-Baffour, Ferdinand; Daum, Thomas; Asantewaa Obeng, Elizabeth; Birner, Regina; Bosch, Christine Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2023 Report
Mechanization and sustainable agri‑food system transformation in the Global South: a review Daum, Thomas Agronomy for sustainable development, 43 (1–26). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2023 Journal Article
Resilienz von regionalen und globalen Wertschöpfungsketten der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft: 62. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. vom 7. bis 9.9.2022 Braunschweig: Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. 58 2023 Book
“Selling pesticides like biscuits” - challenges of pesticide governance in Zambia Schwarze, Louis; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Rural 21 / Englische Ausgabe, 57 (38–40). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 2023 Journal Article
Smallholder agriculture takes root in climate action: Evaluating soil organic carbon monitoring Okoli, Adaugo O.; Birkenberg, Athena Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2023 Report
The farming question: intergenerational linkages, gender and youth aspirations in rural Zambia Ogunjimi, Oluwafemi; Daum, Thomas; Kariuki, Juliet Rural sociology, 88 (71–107). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2023 Journal Article
The myth of the market queens: A case study of women and power in Ghanaian markets Scheiterle, Lilli; Birner, Regina Global food security : agriculture, policy, economics and environment, 38 (100703). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2023 Journal Article
“We are just like ploughing bulls”: Power relations and cooperation in polygynous households in Burkina Faso Yameogo, Viviane; Daum, Thomas; Alber, Erdmute; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2023 Report
What do (future) civil servants think of bribery and corruption? Evidence from India Verma, Rajiv; Gupta, Saurabh; Birner, Regina Development policy review, 41 (1–18). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2023 Journal Article
Wissenschaft verbindet: 11. Studentische Jahrestagung Humboldt reloaded : Tagungsband 2022 Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim 2022 Book
Ackerbegleitflora im Lichtacker, eine ausreichende Futterquelle für Rebhühner? Projekt-Nr. 181 Estler, Nina; Großschädl, Raphael; Hagemann, Michael; Ebile, Pride Anya Wissenschaft verbindet : 11. Studentische Jahrestagung Humboldt reloaded : Tagungsband 2022. 39–39, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim 2022 Conference Paper
Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future: Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Book
A discourse analysis on COVID-19 impacts on food and nutrition security in Kenya and Ghana Magak, Jemima; Birner, Regina; Bosch, Christine Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 422–422, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Agricultural mechanization and sustainable agrifood system transformation in the Global South Daum, Thomas . ISBN: 978-92-5-137081-0 Series: FAO agricultural development economics working paper DOI: 10.4060/cc2625en 2022 Report
Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views: Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Book
Agroecological bottlenecks for home gardens to mitigate food and nutritional insecurity within Mbororo minority communities Ebile, Pride Anya Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 101–101, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Agroecological transitions: a case study of the Terra Vista settlement Pereira Goss, Luisa Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 470–470, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Analysis of charcoal production with recent developments in Sub-Sahara Africa: a review Mensah Kumeh, Eric; Damnyag, Lawrence; Kwabena, Nketiah Samuel African geographical review, 41 (35–55). Place: Abingdon Publisher: Routledge 2022 Journal Article
Analyzing governance challenges using Process Net-Map: a case study of a government microcredit scheme in Bangladesh Parvin, Tania; Birner, Regina Qualitative research in financial markets, 14 (324–353). Place: Bingley Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing 2022 Journal Article
A new approach to classify livestock farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa Graf, Sarah; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 287–287, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Animal traction, two-wheel tractors, or four-wheel tractors? A best-fit approach to guide farm mechanization in Africa Daum, Thomas; Seidel, Anna; Awoke, Bisrat; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2022 Report
Animal welfare analysis: a case of smallholder farmers in Zambia Njei, Cyprian Gwan; Lubungu, Mary Tropical animal health and production, 54 (1–7). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2022 Journal Article
Are emerging farmers the missing link for mechanised conservation agriculture? Viewpoints from Zambia Omulo, Godfrey; Daum, Thomas; Köller, Karlheinz; Birner, Regina Development in practice, 32 (411–417). Place: Abingdon Publisher: Routledge 2022 Journal Article
Asylum migration of Afghans and Syrians to Germany: Opportunities and challenges during transit and integration Torfa, Masooma Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2022 Book
Certified seeds or certified bags? Using genotyping-by-sequencing to validate the identity of maize in Ghana Scheiterle, Lilli; Nannuru, Vinay Kumar Reddy; Birner, Regina; Schmid, Karl Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 33–33, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Comparison of mechanized conservation agriculture and conventional tillage in Zambia: a short-term agronomic and economic analysis Omulo, Godfrey; Birner, Regina; Köller, Karlheinz; Simunji, Simunji; Daum, Thomas Soil & tillage research, 221 (105414). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Connected cows and cyber chickens? Stocktaking and case studies of digital livestock tools in Kenya and India Daum, Thomas; Ravichandran, Thanammal; Kariuki, Juliet; Chagunda, Mizeck; Birner, Regina Agricultural systems, 196 (1–13). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Coupled biophysical and decision-making processes in grassland systems in East African savannahs – A modelling framework: a modelling framework Marohn, Carsten; Troost, Christian; Warth, Benjamin; Bateki, Christian; Zijlstra, Mink; Anwar, Faizan; Williams, Benjamin; Descheemaeker, Katrien; Berger, Thomas; Asch, Folkard; Dickhoefer, Uta; Birner, Regina; Cadisch, Georg Ecological modelling, 474 (1–20). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Decoding farmers and stakeholders’ discourses on conservation agriculture’s usefulness in Zambia Omulo, Godfrey; Daum, Thomas; Köller, Karlheinz; Birner, Regina Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 79–79, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Do African livestock policies address sustainability trade-offs? Evidence from Kenya, Zambia, and Burkina Faso Kariuki, Juliet; Yameogo, Viviane; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina; Chagunda, Mizeck Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2022 Report
Does the gender of farmers matter for improving small ruminant productivity? a Kenyan case study Kariuki, Juliet; Galie, Alessandra; Birner, Regina; Oyieng, Edwin; Chagunda, Mizeck G.G.; Jakinda, Samwel; Milia, Duncan; Ojango, Julie M.K. Small ruminant research, 206 (106574). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Edible weeds and food and nutrition security in the face of the herbicide revolution: a case study from Zambia Daum, Thomas; Vehre, Alysha; Schweizerhof, Carolin; Schunko, Christoph International journal of agricultural sustainability, 20 (1166–1180). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2022 Journal Article
Evaluation through narratives: a practical case of Participatory Narrative Inquiry in women empowerment evaluation in Niger Zucchini, Emanuele; Carbon, Michael; Bosch, Christine Evaluation, 28 (426–445). Place: Thousand Oaks, CA Publisher: SAGE Publications 2022 Journal Article
Farming forest enclosures: contestations, practices and implications for tackling deforestation in Ghana Kumeh, Eric Mensah Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2022 Book
Food-security corridors: a crucial but missing link in tackling deforestation in Southwestern Ghana Mensah Kumeh, Eric; Bieling, Claudia; Birner, Regina Land use policy,  (1–13). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Gender differences in access to information and adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in Uganda Khan, Rashid; Bosch, Christine; Kato, Edward; Bryan, Elizabeth; Birner, Regina Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 429–429, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Governance challenges of pesticide supply in Zambia Schwarze, Louis Philipp; Daum, Thomas Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 126–126, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Growth effects on the cultivation of Lepidium sativum L. (simple cress) in a greenhouse over the winter months in Stuttgart (Germany) with added artificial light: Projekt-Nr. 88 C Münst, Marc; Ebile, Pride Anya; Hagemann, Michael Wissenschaft verbindet : 11. Studentische Jahrestagung Humboldt reloaded : Tagungsband 2022. 17–17, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim 2022 Conference Paper
Harmonising views of farmers and academia on paradigm shifts towards diversification in African agricultural systems Giese, Marcus; Kariuki, Juliet; Hülsebusch, Christian; Winkler, Katrin; Wasonga, Oliver; Alphayo, Lutta; Oguche, Maria Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 472–473, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
How agroecology can help overcome governance challenges to cocoa mass spraying in Ghana Kumeh, Eric Mensah; Birner, Regina Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 144–144, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
How can cascara authorisation in the European Union contribute to sustainable development of the global coffee value chain? A multiple case study Grigoreva, Anna; Birner, Regina; Birkenberg, Athena Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 419–419, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
How do quantitative gender indicators compare to qualitative findings in the analysis of gender differences in agricultural productivity? evidence from Uganda Welk, Lukas; Bosch, Christine; Bryan, Elizabeth; Kato, Edward; Seymour, Greg; Birner, Regina Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Backup Publisher: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Series: IFPRI discussion paper DOI: 10.2499/p15738coll2.136407 2022 Report
How economical is it for the end user to plant his own microgreens? Projekt-Nr. 88 B Boßert, Bentje; Ebile, Pride Anya; Hagemann, Michael Helmut Wissenschaft verbindet : 11. Studentische Jahrestagung Humboldt reloaded : Tagungsband 2022. 16–16, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim 2022 Conference Paper
Intergenerationality, gender and youth aspirations in Zambia: shifting agricultural paradigms for a sustainable future Ogunjimi, Oluwafemi; Daum, Thomas; Kariuki, Juliet; Birner, Regina Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 441–441, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Leveraging scaling up of biofortification through small and medium enterprises in Uganda: what are the governance challenges? Alioma, Richard; Zeller, Manfred; Birner, Regina; Bosch, Christine; Mudyahoto, Bho Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 363–363, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Made in Africa - How to make local agricultural machinery manufacturing thrive Daum, Thomas; Adegbola, Ygué Patrice; Kamau, Geoffrey; Kergna, Alpha Oumar; Daudu, Christogonus; Adebowale, Wahab Akeem; Adegbola, Carine; Bett, Charles; Mulinge, Wellington; Zossou, Roch Cedrique; Kirui, Oliver; Fatunbi, Oluwole Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2022 Report
Mechanization, digitalization, and rural youth: stakeholder perceptions on three mega-topics for agricultural transformation in four African countries Daum, Thomas; Adegbola, Patrice Ygué; Adegbola, Carine; Daudu, Christogonus; Issa, Fadlullah; Kamau, Geoffrey; Kergna, Alpha Oumar; Mose, Lawrence; Ndirpaya, Yarama; Fatunbi, Oluwole; Zossou, Roch; Kirui, Oliver; Birner, Regina Global food security : agriculture, policy, economics and environment, 32 (1–10). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Microgreens III: Projekt-Nr. 175 B Ramachandra, Harini; Ebile, Pride Anya Wissenschaft verbindet : 11. Studentische Jahrestagung Humboldt reloaded : Tagungsband 2022. 35–35, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim 2022 Conference Paper
Microgreens III: Bio-filters in vertical Aquaponicssystems: Projekt-Nr. 175 A Liesenfeld, Lukas; Hagemann, Michael; Ebile, Pride Anya Wissenschaft verbindet : 11. Studentische Jahrestagung Humboldt reloaded : Tagungsband 2022. 34–34, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim 2022 Conference Paper
Monitoring processes in carbon credit projects and their potentials for farmer organisations: a case study from Kenya Schober, Annkatrin; Birner, Regina; Bosch, Christine Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 100–100, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Origin and transit migration of Afghans and Syrians to Germany: the influential actors and factors behind the destination choice Torfa, Masooma; Muhammad, Salwā; Birner, Regina International migration, 60 (121–138) 2022 Journal Article
Political economy of lockdowns in food insecure countries Blaschke, Nikola; Birner, Regina; Bosch, Christine; Drescher, Line Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 408–408, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Power relations and cooperation in polygynous households in rural Burkina Faso Yameogo, Viviane; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 427–427, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Private companies' engagement in the labour market integration of refugees: an exploratory study of the city of Stuttgart, Germany Torfa, Masooma; Bosch, Christine; Birner, Regina; Schammann, Hannes International migration,  (1–18) 2022 Journal Article
Resilienz von regionalen und globalen Wertschöpfungsketten der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft: 62. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. Bahrs, Enno; Birner, Regina; Callenius, Carolin; Castro Campos, Bente; Hess, Sebastian; Hirsch, Stefan; Knierim, Andrea; Schünemann, Franziska; Weinrich, Ramona; Wieck, Christine Berichte über Landwirtschaft, 100 (1–23). Place: Stuttgart Publisher: Kohlhammer Verlag 2022 Journal Article
Smallholder women farmers impediments in agriculture a risk to agro ecological farming success: a case of Makueni county, Kenya Ongango, Mellyne; Bosch, Christine; Mburu, John; Birner, Regina Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 578–578, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Social network analysis with the Net-map tool: a systematic review Birkenberg, Athena; Birner, Regina; Morales, Santiago; Bosch, Christine; Scheiterle, Lilli Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 449–449, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Suitability of methods for assessing the sustainability of agroecological transition-dynamics in crop-livestock-tree farming systems Dinh, Thuy; Chagunda, Mizeck; Kariuki, Juliet Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 297–297, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
The changing nature of icts for agricultural extension in developing countries: a review Khan, Rashid; Daum, Thomas; Gupta, Saurabh; Birner, Regina; Ringler, Claudia Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 476–476, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
The gendered yield gap and women’s empowerment: evidence from smallholder farmers in Uganda’s central region Welk, Lukas; Bosch, Christine; Birner, Regina; Bryan, Elizabeth; Kato, Edward Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
The innovation system for deforestation-free cocoa value chains: a case study from the Ucayali region of Peru Crisostomo, Diego; Blum, Helen; Mockshell, Jonathan; Bosch, Christine; Birner, Regina Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 495–495, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
The role of home gardens in mitigating food insecurity and dietary quality : the case of the Mbororo community in the Northwest Region of Cameroon Ebile, Pride Anya Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2022 Book
Towards a paradigm shift in livestock production in Africa: using the potential of neglected animal species Oguche, Maria; Birner, Regina; Kariuki, Juliet Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 294–294, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Trade-offs and synergies between livestock intensification and emergence of zoonotic diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa Schmidt, Sarah; Reiber, Christoph; Birner, Regina; Chagunda, Mizeck Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 318–318, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Transitioning to zero deforestation cocoa supply chains: Multi-stakeholder platforms are no silver bullet Blum, Helen; Crisostomo, Diego; Mockshell, Jonathan; Bosch, Christine; Birner, Regina Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 494–494, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Understanding gendered trait preferences: implications for client-responsive breeding programs McDougall, Cynthia; Kariuki, Juliet; Lenjiso, Birhanu M.; Marimo, Pricilla; Mehar, Mamta; Murphy, Seamus; Teeken, Bela; Akester, Michael J.; Benzie, John A. H.; Galiè, Alessandra; Kulakow, Peter; Mekkawy, Wagdy; Nkengla-Asi, Lilian; Ojango, Julie M. K.; Tumuhimbise, Robooni; Uwimana, Brigitte; Orr, Alastair PLOS sustainability and transformation, 1 (1–27). Place: San Francisco, CA Publisher: Public Library of Science (PLOS) 2022 Journal Article
Utilizing sustainable agricultural mechanization to unlock the potential of conservation agriculture in Zambia Omulo, Godfrey Omondi Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag. DOI: 10.60848/2099 2022 Book
What are the effects of different plant substrates on the cultivation of microgreens? Projekt-Nr. 88 A Sperling, Emma; Ebile, Pride Anya; Hagemann, Michael Helmut Wissenschaft verbindet : 11. Studentische Jahrestagung Humboldt reloaded : Tagungsband 2022. 15–15, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim 2022 Conference Paper
Women empowerment and intra-household nutritious food distribution and consumption in crop-livestock production systems: empirical evidence from Bangladesh Sarker, Fatema; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 435–435, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Civil war and agrarian contexts: land accumulation, rebel groups'’ behavior, and collective action post-war in Colombia Navarrete Cruz, Angela Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2021 Book
Collective action in crop-livestock farming systems: A case study from Burkina Faso Yameogo, Guesbeogo Viviane Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2021 Book
Connected cows and cyber chickens? Stocktaking and case studies of digital livestock tools in Kenya and India Daum, Thomas; Ravichandran, Thanammal; Kariuki, Juliet; Chagunda, Mizeck; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2021 Report
Customary power, farmer strategies and the dynamics of access to protected forestlands for farming: implications for Ghana’s forest bioeconomy Mensah Kumeh, Eric; Kyereh, Boateng; Birkenberg, Athena; Birner, Regina Forest policy and economics, 133 (1–13). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Edible weeds and food and nutrition security in the face of the herbicide revolution: A case study from Zambia Daum, Thomas; Vehre, Alysha; Schweizerhof, Carolin; Schunko, Christoph Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2021 Report
Exploring gender equity in ecological restoration: the case of a market-based program in Kenya Kariuki, Juliet; Birner, Regina Ecological restoration, 39 (77–89). Place: Madison, WI Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press 2021 Journal Article
Farm robots: ecological utopia or dystopia? Daum, Thomas Trends in ecology and evolution, 36 (774–777). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Governance challenges of small-scale gold mining in Ghana: insights from a process net-map study Adu-Baffour, Ferdinand; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Land use policy, 102 (1–16). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Advances in environmental research, Volume 84 Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers 2021 Book
Inclusive integration of stakeholders’ needs to reduce the threats on Moramanga natural forest Andrianaivoarimanga, J. N.; Bosch, C.; Rakotondrabe, M. Advances in environmental research, Volume 84207–233, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. DOI: 10.52305/GQSU4556 2021 Book Section
Is there unrecognized potential in neglected livestock species? Oguche, Maria; Kariuki, Juliet; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2021 Report
Mechanization, digitalization, rural youth: Stakeholder perceptions on mega-topics for African agricultural transformation Daum, Thomas; Adegbola, Ygué P.; Adegbola, Carine; Daudu, Christogonus; Issa, Fadlullah; Kamau, Geoffrey; Kergna, Alpha O.; Mose, Lawrence; Ndirpaya, Yarama; Fatunbi, Oluwole A.; Zossou, Roch C.; Kirui, Oliver; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2021 Report
Nachhaltige Bioökonomie und gesellschaftlicheTransformation: Manifest mit zehn Thesen Barben, Daniel; Birner, Regina; Zinke, Holger Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 30 (12–17). Place: München Publisher: Oekom-Verlag 2021 Journal Article
Of milk and mobiles: assessing the potential of cellphone applications to reduce cattle milk yield gaps in Africa using a case study Bateki, Christian; Daum, Thomas; Salvatierra-Rojas, Ana Alejandra; Müller, Joachim; Birner, Regina; Dickhöfer, Uta Computers and electronics in agriculture, 191 (1–10). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Private agricultural R&D: do the poor benefit? Anderson, Jock R.; Birner, Regina; Nagarajan, Latha; Naseem, Anwar; Pray, Carl E. Journal of agricultural & food industrial organization, 19 (3–14). Place: Berlin Publisher: Walter de Gruyter 2021 Journal Article
The farming question: Intergenerational linkages, gender and youth aspirations in rural Zambia Ogunjimi, Oluwafemi; Daum, Thomas; Kariuki, Juliet Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2021 Report
The forgotten agriculture-nutrition link: farm technologies and human energy requirements Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Food security, 14 (395–409). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2021 Journal Article
Uber for tractors? opportunities and challenges of digital tools for tractor hire in India and Nigeria Daum, Thomas; Villalba, Roberto; Anidi, Oluwakayode; Mayienga, Sharon Masakhwe; Gupta, Saurabh; Birner, Regina World development, 144 (1–15). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
‘We would rather die from Covid-19 than from hunger’: exploring lockdown stringencies in five African countries Birner, Regina; Blaschke, Nikola; Bosch, Christine; Daum, Thomas; Graf, Sarah; Güttler, Denise; Heni, Jakob; Kariuki, Juliet; Katusiime, Roseline; Seidel, Anna; Senon, Zinsou Narcisse; Woode, George Global food security : agriculture, policy, economics and environment, 31 (1–9). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Who wants to farm?: answers depend on how you ask : a case study on youth aspirations in Kenya LaRue, Katie; Daum, Thomas; Mausch, Kai; Harris, Dave The European journal of development research, 33 (885–909). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2021 Journal Article
4th World Congress on Agroforestry: book of abstracts Paris: CIRAD 2020 Book
Agricultural mechanization in Africa: myths, realities and an emerging research agenda Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Global food security : agriculture, policy, economics and environment, 26 (10 Seiten–10 Seiten). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2020 Journal Article
Between pandemics and famines: Towards nutrition-sensitive lockdowns during Covid-19 and beyond Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina; Biesalski, Hans-Konrad; Blaschke, Nikola; Bosch, Christine; Güttler, Denise; Heni, Jakob; Kariuki, Juliet; Katusiime, Roseline; Seidel, Anna; Senon, Zinsou Narcisse; Woode, George Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2020 Report
’Cellphilms’ and ‘Photovoice’: how visual tools can help understand farmers’ adaptation to climate change Kawerau, Laura; Birner, Regina; Birkenberg, Athena; Daum, Thomas Rural 21 / Englische Ausgabe, 54 (47–49). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 2020 Journal Article
Challenges of sustainable wastewater management in Pakistan: a case study of Faisalabad Jabeen, Saima Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2020 Book
Determining success factors for improving rural livelihood strategies: how can participatory social network mapping help? Delgadillo, Estephania; Graef, Frieder; Schröter, Barbara; Halle, Mefor E. Journal of development effectiveness, 12 (255–271). Place: London Publisher: Taylor & Francis 2020 Journal Article
Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises: Tropentag 2020 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2020 Book
Examining the emancipatory potential of the counter-discourse of La Via Campesina by conducting a Foucauldian discourse analysis Blaschke, Nikola; Birner, Regina Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises : Tropentag 2020 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 309 –309, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2020 Conference Paper
Factors influencing the development of rural producer organizations in post-war settings: the case of coffee growers associations in Southern Tolima, Colombia Navarrete Cruz, Angela; Birkenberg, Athena; Birner, Regina International journal of the commons, 14 (692–713). Place: Utrecht Publisher: IASC 2020 Journal Article
Farmer-to-farmer digital network as a strategy to strengthen agricultural performance in Kenya: a research note on ‘Wefarm’ platform Omulo, Godfrey; Mensah Kumeh, Eric Technological forecasting and social change, 158 (120120). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2020 Journal Article
Hidden hunger and the transformation of food systems: how to combat the double burden of malnutrition? Basel: Karger, World review of nutrition and dietetics 121. DOI: 10.1159/isbn.978-3-318-06698-2 2020 Book
Fruits and vegetables in international agricultural research: a case of neglect? Anderson, Jock R.; Birner, Regina Hidden hunger and the transformation of food systems : how to combat the double burden of malnutrition?42–59, Basel: Karger, World review of nutrition and dietetics 121. DOI: 10.1159/000507518 2020 Book Section
Gender-inclusive governance of “self-help” groups in rural Kenya Aberman, Noora-Lisa; Birner, Regina; Okiri Odoyo, Elizabeth Auma; Anyango Oyunga, Mary; Okoba, Barrack; Otiep Okello, George Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Backup Publisher: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Series: IFPRI discussion paper DOI: 10.2499/p15738coll2.134214 2020 Report
Governance challenges of small-scale gold mining in Ghana: Insights from a process net-map study Adu-Baffour, Ferdinand; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2020 Report
Impact of Ethiopia’s productive safety net program on household food security and child nutrition: a marginal structural modeling approach Bahru, Bezawit Adugna; Jebena, Mulusew G.; Birner, Regina; Zeller, Manfred SSM - population health, 12 (1–9). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2020 Journal Article
Impacts of agricultural mechanization: Evidence from four African countries Daum, Thomas; Adegbola, Ygué P.; Kamau, Geoffrey; Kergna, Alpha O.; Daudu, Christogonus; Zossou, Roch C.; Crinot, Géraud F.; Houssou, Paul; Mose, Lawrence; Ndirpaya, Yarama; Wahab, A.A.; Kirui, Oliver; Oluwole, Fatunbi A. Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2020 Report
Improving mechanised agriculture in Zambia Omulo, Godfrey African farming & food processing,  (30–31). Place: London Publisher: Alain Charles Publishing 2020 Journal Article
Landscape-scale interactions between pastures, crops, trees and cattle in savanna grassland systems Marohn, C.; Warth, B.; Troost, C.; Bateki, C.; Dickhöfer, U.; Berger, T.; Asch, F.; Birner, R.; Cadisch, G. 1–9,  2020 Conference Paper
Politik für eine nachhaltigere Ernährung: eine integrierte Ernährungspolitik entwickeln und faire Ernährungsumgebungen gestalten Spiller, Achim; Biesalski, Hans-Konrad; Birner, Regina Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), Berichte über Landwirtschaft. Sonderheft 230. DOI: 10.12767/buel.vi230 2020 Book
The myth of the market queens: A case study of women and power in Ghanaian markets Scheiterle, Lilli; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2020 Report
Uber for tractors? opportunities and challenges of digital tools for tractor hire in India and Nigeria Daum, Thomas; Villalba, Roberto; Anidi, Oluwakayode; Mayienga, Sharon; Gupta, Saurabh; Birner, Regina Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises : Tropentag 2020 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 364 –364, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2020 Conference Paper
Uber for tractors? Opportunities and challenges of digital tools for tractor hire in India and Nigeria Daum, Thomas; Villalba, Roberto; Anidi, Oluwakayode; Gupta, Saurabh; Birner, Regina Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2020 Report
‘We would rather die from Covid-19 than from hunger ́: exploring lockdown stringencies in five African countries Birner, Regina; Blaschke, Nikola; Bosch, Christine; Daum, Thomas; Graf, Sarah; Güttler, Denise; Heni, Jakob; Kariuki, Juliet; Katusiime, Roseline; Seidel, Anna; Woode, George Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim. Backup Publisher: University of Hohenheim Series: Hohenheim working papers on social and institutional change in agricultural development 2020 Report
Who has the better story? on the narrative foundations of agricultural development dichotomies Mockshell, Jonathan; Birner, Regina World development, 135 (14 Seiten–14 Seiten). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2020 Journal Article
Accounting for biogenic carbon sequestration in product carbon footprints: analysing trade-offs in a coffee agroforestry Birkenberg, Athena; Mensah Kumeh, Eric 4th World Congress on Agroforestry : book of abstracts. 590–590, Paris: CIRAD, Paris: CIRAD 2019 Conference Paper
African agricultural mechanization: myths, realities and an emerging research agenda Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Bonn: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF). Backup Publisher: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF) Series: ZEF working paper series / Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 2019 Report
Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management: Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Book
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in phytoremediation of mercury polluted soils in Ghana and Burkina Faso Blagodatsky, Sergey; Ehret, Miriam; Rasche, Frank; Hutter, Imke; Birner, Regina; Dzomeku, Beloved M.; Neya, Oblé; Cadisch, Georg; Wünsche, Jens Norbert Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 531–531, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
A reality check: unveiling the unseen faces of SRA compliance in Ghana Mensah Kumeh, Eric; Abu, D. K. The international forestry review, 21 (S. 446–459) 2019 Journal Article
Can small farms benefit from big companies’ initiatives to promote mechanization in Africa? A case study from Zambia Adu-Baffour, Ferdinand; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Food policy, 84 (133–145). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2019 Journal Article
Challenges and opportunities for the implementation of an innovative solar milk cooling system in Kenya Mrabet, Farah; Kariuki, Juliet; Torres Toledo, Victor; Müller, Joachim Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 439–439, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
Challenges of sustainable wastewater management in Pakistan: a case study of Faisalabad Jabeen, Saima; Birner, Regina Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 502–502, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
Development potential of smallholder livestock production in Zambia Lubungu, Mary Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2019 Book
Drought and child undernutrition in Ethiopia: a longitudinal path analysis Bahru, Bezawit; Bosch, Christine; Birner, Regina; Zeller, Manfred PLOS ONE, 14 (1–16). Place: San Francisco, CA Publisher: Public Library of Science (PLOS) 2019 Journal Article
Möglichkeiten, Ansatzpunkte und Grenzen einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung der gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU Martínez, José; Birner, Regina Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), Berichte über Landwirtschaft. Sonderheft 226. DOI: 10.12767/buel.v0i226 2019 Book
Of trackers and tractors: using a smartphone app and compositional data analysis to explore the link between mechanization and intra-household allocation of time in Zambia Daum, Thomas; Capezzone, Filippo; Birner, Regina Bonn: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF). Backup Publisher: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF) Series: ZEF discussion papers on development policy 2019 Report
Opportunities and challenges in the Ethiopian bamboo sector: a market analysis of the bamboo-based value web Lin, Jessie; Gupta, Saurabh; Loos, Tim K.; Birner, Regina Sustainability, 11 (1–14). Place: Basel Publisher: MDPI 2019 Journal Article
Options for improving smallholder’s contributions to off-reserve landscape restoration in Ghana Mensah Kumeh, Eric 4th World Congress on Agroforestry : book of abstracts. 268–268, Paris: CIRAD, Paris: CIRAD 2019 Conference Paper
Soil, Striga, or subsidies? Determinants of maize productivity in northern Ghana Scheiterle, Lilli; Häring, Volker; Birner, Regina; Bosch, Christine Agricultural economics, 50 (479–494). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2019 Journal Article
Strengthening accoutability in public agricultural extension services: a case study from Uganda Namyenya, Angella Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2019 Book
The forgotten agriculture-nutrition link: estimating the energy requirements of different farming technologies in rural Zambia Daum, Thomas; Capezzone, Filippo; Birner, Regina Bonn: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF). Backup Publisher: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF) Series: ZEF working paper series / Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 2019 Report
The new EU regulation on cadmium in chocolate: impacts on the Colombian cocoa value chain Puerta Rodriguez, Christhian David; Birkenberg, Athena; Birner, Regina Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 468–468, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
The potential of smartphone apps to collect self-recorded data in agricultural households: a study on time-use in Zambia Daum, Thomas Ohne Ortsangabe: Selbstverlag 2019 Book
Youth’s access to agricultural land in Sub-Saharan Africa: a missing link in the global land grabbing discourse Kumeh, Eric Mensah; Omulo, Godfrey Land use policy, 89 (104210). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2019 Journal Article
Zur effektiven Gestaltung der Agrarumwelt- und Klimaschutzpolitik im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU Latacz-Lohmann, U.; Balmann, A.; Birner, R.; Christen, O.; Gauly, M.; Grajewski, R.; Grethe, H.; Martínez, J.; Nieberg, H.; Pischetsrieder, M.; Renner, B.; Röder, N.; Schmid, J. C.; Spiller, A.; Taube, F.; Voget-Kleschin, L.; Weingarten, P. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), Berichte über Landwirtschaft. Sonderheft 227. DOI: 10.12767/buel.v0i0 2019 Book
How to unleash farm mechanisation in Africa and how to tame it Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina E-IR Publications. ISSN: 2053-8626 Place: Cardiff Publication Title: E-international relations 2017 Document
La mecanisation des petites exploitations agricoles en Afrique. Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina 2017 Journal Article
Smallholder agricultural mechanization in Africa Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina 2017 Report
The neglected governance challenges of agricultural mechanisation in Africa – insights from Ghana Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina Food security, . Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2017 Journal Article
The Potential of Apps to Study Smallholder Farming Systems and More Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina; Buchwald, Hannes; Gerlicher, Ansgar Rural 21 / Englische Ausgabe, . Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 2017 Journal Article
What needs to be done to give Africa’s smallholder farmers access to machinery Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina The conversation,  2017 Journal Article
Designing Global Governance for Agricultural Development and Food and Nutrition Security, Review of Development Economics von Braun, J.; Birner, R. 2016 Journal Article
Household-level Preferences for Mitigation of Prosopis juliflora Invasion in the Afar Region of Ethiopia: A Contingent Valuation. Tilahun, M.; Birner, R.; Ilukor, J. . 27–27 2016 Report
Addressing Governance Challenges in the Provision of Animal Health Services: A Review of the Literature and Empirical Application Transaction Cost Theory Ilukor, J.; Birner, R.; Nielsen, T. 2015 Document
Adoption of Land Management Practices in Ethiopia: Which Network Types Matter? Tensay, T. M.; Birner, R.; Müller, U. 2015 Document
Do Veterinary Paraprofessionals Provide Quality Veterinary Services: Results from a Role Play Experiment in Rural Uganda Ilukor, J.; Birner, R. 2015 Conference Paper
Experimental and Computational Analysis of Photovoltaic Powered Cold-pressing of Sunflower Seeds Romuli, S.; Torres, V.; Munder, S.; Müller, J. 2015 Document
How to Promote Institutional Reforms in the Agricultural Sector? A Case Study of Uganda’s National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) Rwamigisa, P.; Birner, R. 2015 Conference Paper
Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): The Case of Gender Inclusiveness Kariuki, J.; Birner, R. 2015 Conference Paper
Socioeconomic and biophysical dimensions of pasture to crop conversion in the Brazilian agricultural frontier Gil, J.; Cohn, A.; Toledo, C.; Berger, T. 2015 Book Section
Strengthening Agricultural Governance in an Interconnected World Birner, R.; Anderson, J. 2015 Conference Paper
Sustainable mechanisation – a hard row to hoe Daum, Thomas Rural 21 / Englische Ausgabe, 42036. Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 2015 Journal Article
The “Efficient Boundaries” of International Agricultural Research: A Conceptual Framework with Empirical Illustrations Kamanda, J.; Birner, R.; Bantilan, C. 2015 Conference Paper
What does it take to achieve a Green Revolution? Lessons from India Banerjee, R.; Birner, R. 2015 Document
Why are Market-Based Conservation Mechanisms Gender-Blind? Perspectives from three Schemes in Kenya Kariuki, J.; Birner, R. 2015 Conference Paper
Microwave pretreatment for improving oil recovery of mechanical extraction of Jatropha curcas L. kernel Romuli, S.; Karaj, S.; Müller, J. 2014 Document
Challenges to Responsible and Prudent Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Animals in Uganda: The role of one health and one medicine Iukor, J.; Birner, R. 2013 Document
Communal, Private or Public: What are the Governance Options for Dryland Pastoral Systems in Uzbekistan? Shaumarov, M.; Birner, R. 2013 Report
Donors and Domestic Policy Makers: Two Worlds in Agricultural Policy Making? Mockshell, J.; Birner, R. 2013 Document
Do Paraprofessionals Provide Quality Veterinary Services? Results from a Role Play Experiment in Rural Uganda Ilukor, J.; Birner, R. 2013 Report
Dryland Pastoral Systems in Transition: What are the Options for Institutional Change in Uzbekistan? Shaumarov, M.; Birner, R. 2013 Report
Matrix mechanical extraction of Jatropha curcas L. kernels: A novel method for improving oil recovery Romuli, S.; Karaj, S.; Müller, J. . Pages: 347–347 2013 Document
Methods for Analysing Intra-household Livestock Ownership, Management and Marketing. Njuki, J.; Kariuki, J.; Mburu, S. 2013 Book Section
Novellierung der Düngeverordnung: Nährstoffüberschüsse wirksam begrenzen. Taube, F.; Balmann, A.; Bauhus, J.; Birner, R.; Bokelmann, W.; Christen, O.; Gauly, M.; Grethe, H.; Holm-Müller, K.; Horst, W.; Knierim, U.; Nieberg, H.; Latacz-Lohmann, U.; Qaim, M.; Spiller, A.; Täuber, S.; Weingarten, P.; Wiesler, F. 2013 Document
Organized Session: Brauchen wir eine post-autistische Agrarökonomie? Birner, R.; Bitsch, V.; Heißenhuber, A.; Lippert, C.; Spiller, A.; Schulze-Pals, L.; Gandorfer, M.; Zühlsdorf, A. 337–339,  2013 Book Section
Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): The Case of Gender Inclusiveness Kariuki, J.; Birner, R. 2013 Document
Performance analysis of de-shelling process for Jatropha curcas L. seeds Romuli, S.; Karaj, S.; Müller, J. 2013 Document
Pro-Poor Livestock Service Delivery in Northern Ghana: Rethinking the Role of Community Animal Health Workers? Mockshell, J.; Ilukor, J.; Birner, R. . Issue: 45(8) DOI: 10.1007/s11250-013-0518-9 2013 Document
Strategic positioning of CGIAR centers: Comparative advantage and trade-offs from a transaction cost economics perspective Kamanda, J. O.; Birner, R.; Bantilan, C. 2013 Document
The determinants of fertilizer use and its impacts on poverty distribution in Northern Ghana Application of econometrics and agent-based modeling Wossen, T.; Berger, T.; Swamikannu, N. 2013 Report
Which Institutional Arrangements Can Halt Pastoral Degradation in Uzbekistan? A Political Economy Perspective Shaumarov, M.; Birner, R. 2013 Report
Which Institutional Arrangements Can Halt Pastoral Degradation in Uzbekistan’s Rangeland Systems? A Political Economy Perspective. Shaumarov, M.; Birner, R. 2013 Document
Women, Livestock Ownership and Food Security. Kariuki, J.; Njuki, J.; Mburu, S.; Waithanji, E. 2013 Book Section
A Stakeholder Map for Climate Change Adaptation in Kenya’s Agriculture Sector Ngigi, M. W.; Okoba, B.; Aberman, N.; Birner, R. 2012 Report
Die vielfältige Kartoffel als Nahrung für die Welt Birner, R. . Pages: 50–59 2012 Document
Franken-Policy? The Political Economy of Biotechnology in International Agricultural Organizations Anderson, J. R.; Birner, R. 2012 Report
Globale Entwicklungen bezüglich der gesellschaftlichen Kompetenz moderner Landwirtschaft Birner, R. . Pages: 19–27 Volume: 2012/3 2012 Document
Intra-household access to livestock information and financial services in Kenya. Mburu, S.; Njuki, J.; Kariuki, J. Livestock research for rural development, Volume 24 2012 Journal Article
Reforming the Public Administration for Food Security and Agricultural Development: Insights from an Empirical Study in Karnataka. Birner, R.; Sekher, M.; Raabe, K. 2012 Report
Role of Group Participation in Access to Climate (Change) Information and Adaptation to Climate Change—Example of Kenya. Ngigi, M. W.; Bryan, E.; Birner, R.; Ringler, C.; Okoba, B. 2012 Conference Paper
Review of " When Policy Meets Reality: Political Dynamics and the Practice of Integration in Water Resources Management Reform" by Mollinga, P.; Bhat A. and V.S. Saravanan (eds.) (2010) Birner, R. 50 (3) (301–304) 2011 Journal Article
The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy Reform in India: Fertilizers and Electricity Supply for Groundwater Irrigation Birner, R.; Gupta, S.; Sharma, N. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 2011 Book
The private sector´s role in agricultural extension systems: potential and limitations Feder, Gershon; Birner, Regina; Anderson, Jock R. Journal of agribusiness in developing and emerging economies, 1 (31–54). Place: Bingley Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing 2011 Journal Article
Farm decisions under dynamic meteorology and the curse of complexity 3 2010 Book
Food Ethics: A new and necessary Academic Approach to Improve Food and Nutrition Security Georgiadis, Pavlos; Schumacher, Jörg; Hilscher, Manuel; Manoharan, Dhusenti; Birkenberg, Athena; Schweizer, Steffen; Idel, Anita; Hudson-Wiedenmann, Ursula; Hans Rudolf, Herren; Gottwald, Franz-Theo; Fadani, Andrea; Bellows, Anne C.; Kruse, Michael; Zeller, Manfred 2010 Report
Issues in Economic Governance: Why does Program Delivery vary across States? Birner, R. 2010 Book Section
Seed Price Controls, Compettion Policy and Innovation in Bt Cotton in India with Lessons from China Pray, C.; Nagarajan, L.; Birner, R.; Hu, R. 2010 Conference Paper
Economics of Resource Use and Farming Systems Development in The Middle East and East Africa Doppler, W.; Almohamed, S.; Majdalawi, M. Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2009 Book
Evaluation of Agricultural Project Doppler, W. 2009 Document
Soil Variability of Medicinal Plants Habitat in Northern Thailand Birkenberg, Athena 2009 Report
Sustainable land development and ecosystem conservation through enhancing economic viability of the Jatropha curcas based biodiesel production chain using a bio-refinery concept 2009 Book
Farming and rural systems: international experiences Doppler, W. 2008 Document
Impact Assessment of Maskana Irrigation Project on Economic Situation of Farming Families in Northern Syria Almohamed, Salwa; Doppler, W. 82–82,  2008 Conference Paper
New methodologies in rural development planning Doppler, W. 2008 Document
New methodologies in rural development planning Doppler, W. 2008 Document
Problems and Potentials of Organic Agriculture Development in Nepal Bhatta, G. D.; Doppler, W.; Bahadur, K. C. Krishna 256–256,  2008 Conference Paper
Quan ly va danh gia du an (Project Management and Evaluation) Doppler, W.; Dinh Ngoc, Lan Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2008 Book
Socio-Economic Impacts of Changing Water Strategies on Farming Systems in the Jordan Valley Nabulsi, Asem; Doppler, Werner; Wolff, Heinz-Peter 117–121,  2008 Conference Paper
Water Economics Doppler, W. 2008 Document
Integrated assessment of water resources and global change Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007 Book
Capturing the complexity of water uses and water users within a multi-agent framework Berger, T.; Birner, R.; Díaz, J.; McCarthy, N.; Wittmer, H. Integrated assessment of water resources and global change129–148, Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-5591-1_9 2007 Book Section
Capturing the Complexity of Water Uses and Water Users within a Multi-agent Framework Berger, T.; Birner, R.; Díaz, J.; McCarthy, N.; Wittmer, H. Water resources management, 21 (129–148). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2007 Journal Article
E-international relations McGlinchey, Stephen E-IR Publications. ISSN: 2053-8626 Place: Cardiff 2007 Document
Impact of Water Resources Development and Irrigation on Rural Livelihood Doppler, W. 2007 Document
Measuring the impact of resources on rural development Doppler, W. 59 – 72, Phuong Ma: Agricultural Publishing House 2007 Book Section
Postgraduate Training in Agricultural Economics for Students from Developing Countries Doppler, W. 2007 Document
Potentials to reduce deforestation by enhancing the technical efficiency of crop production in forest margin areas. Keil, Alwin; Birner, Regina; Zeller, Manfred 391–417,  2007 Book Section
The contribution of livestock to sustainable development of mountain farming in Northern Vietnam Doppler, W.; Huyen, N. T. T.; Tai, D. A. Berlin: Springer Nature 2007 Book Section
The Impact of Family Decision-making on Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Doppler, W.; Tai, D. A. Berlin: Springer Nature 2007 Book Section
Determinants of Farmers' Acceptance of Treated Wastewater in Irrigated Agriculture in the Northern Gaza Strip Abu Shaban, A.; Doppler, W.; Wolff, H. P. 74–74,  2006 Conference Paper
Determinants of farmers’ resilience towards ENSO-related drought: Evidence from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Keil, Alwin; Zeller, Manfred; Wida, Anastasia; Sanim, Bunasor; Birner, Regina 2006 Document
Drought at the rainforest margin: The impact of El Nino on farm households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Keil, Alwin; Zeller, Manfred; Wida, Anastasia; Sanim, Bunasor; Birner, Regina 2006 Document
Impact assessment of livestock integration in cropping systems among small scale farmers in Uganda Katwijukye, A. K.; Doppler, W. 2006 Document
Measuring the impact of resources on rural development Doppler, W. 2006 Document
New methodologies in agricultural economics in the tropics Doppler, W. 2006 Document
New methodologies in combining farm family and spatial economics Doppler, W. 2006 Document
New methodologies in mountain research in Northern Vietnam Doppler, W.; Tai, D. A. 17 – 36, Phuong Ma: Agricultural Publishing House 2006 Book Section
New methodologies in mountain research in Northern Vietnam Doppler, W. 2006 Document
Smallholder Tea and Coffee Production and its Impact on Food Production and Living Standards in Kenya Kabura, E. A.; Doppler, W. 2006 Document
Socio-Economics and Food Security of Farming Families in South East Nigeria Akinsanmi, A.; Doppler, W. 2006 Document
Widening the scope of IWRM from natural to socio-economic watersheds - the conceptual framework of a research network in the Jordan Valley Wolff, H. P.; Doppler, W.; Salman, A. Z. 159–160,  2006 Conference Paper
Creating political capital to promote devolution in the forestry sector - a case study of the forest communities in Banyumas District, Central Java, Indonesia Rosyadi, Slamet; Birner, Regina; Zeller, Manfred Forest policy and economics, 7 (213–226). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2005 Journal Article
Impact assessment of livestock integration in cropping systems among small scale farmers in Uganda Katwijukye, A. K.; Doppler, W. 2005 Document
New developments in quantitative methods in rural development Doppler, W. 2005 Document
New methodologies for the Farming System Research in the mountains of Vietnam Doppler, W.; Do Anh, Tai 2005 Document
Planung und Vorbereitung der TECSUP-Ausbildungsstätte Trajello, Peru Doppler, W.; Schwarz, W. 2005 Report
Postgraduate training in Germany and future cooperation Doppler, W. 2005 Document
Potential und Folgen der Verwendung von Abwasser in ruralen Räumen am Beispiel des Jordantals (Potentials and consequences of wastewater use in rural areas. The example of the Jordan Valley) Wolff, H. P.; Doppler, W.; Nabulsi, A. 259 – 270, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2005 Book Section
Resources and livelihood in mountain areas of South East Asia. Farming and rural systems in a changing environment Doppler, W.; Praneetvatakul, S.; Munkung, N.; Sattarasart, A.; Kitchaicharoen, J.; Thongthap, Ch; Lentes, P.; Do Anh, Tai; Grueninger, M.; Weber, K. E. Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2005 Book
Socio-Economics and Food Security of Farming Families in South East Nigeria Akinsanmi, A.; Doppler, W. 112–112,  Book of Abstracts 2005 Conference Paper
Socio-Economics and Food Security of Farming Families in South East Nigeria Akinsanmi, A.; Doppler, W. 2005 Document
The Socio-Economic Analysis of Land Use Changes and Soil Conservation in Central and Western Uganda Kasharu, K. A.; Doppler, W. 2005 Book Section
Challenges in mountain farming and rural systems of rural systems of South East Asia Doppler, W. 2004 Document
Farming and rural systems research for rural development Doppler, W. 2004 Document
Konsequente Liberalisierung versus Förderung einer multifunktionalen Landwirtschaft durch Agrarstützung - Ein Vergleich der beiden agrarpolitischen Ansätze Heißenhuber, A.; Lippert, C.; Birner, R. 303–311,  2004 Book Section
On the ‘Efficient Boundaries of the State’ - The Contribution of Transaction Costs Economics to the Analysis of Decentralisation and Devolution in Natural Resource Management Birner, R.; Wittmer, H. Environment and planning / C, 22 (667–685). Place: Thousand Oaks, CA Publisher: SAGE Publications 2004 Journal Article
Resources and Livelihood in Mountain Areas of South East Asia Doppler, W.; Praneetvatakul, S.; Munkung, N.; Sattarasart, A.; Kitchaicharoen, J.; Thongthap, Ch; Lentes, P.; Do Anh, Tai; Grueninger, M.; Weber, K. E. 2004 Book
Socio-Economic Consequences from Replacing Freshwater by Treated Wastewater in Rural Areas - An Example from the Jordan Valley Wolff, H. P.; Salman, A. Z.; Doppler, W.; Nabulsi, A.; Al-Karablieh, E. K. 2004 Document
Socio-Economic Consequences from Replacing Freshwater By Treated Wastewater in Rural Areas - An Example from the Jordan Valley Wolff, H.-P.; Salman, A. Z.; Doppler, W.; Nabulsi, A.; Al-Karablieh, E. K. 129–130,  2004 Conference Paper
Spatial modelling of land-use patterns in forest frontier areas. Theory and empirical assessment for Indonesia Maertens, Miet; Zeller, Manfred; Birner, Regina 2004 Document
The contribution of livestock to sustainable development in mountain farming in Northern Vietnam Doppler, W.; Nguyen Thi, Thanh; Do, A. 2004 Document
The impact of family decision-making on sustainable rural livelihood Doppler, W.; Do Anh, Tai 2004 Document
Creating political capital to promote devolution in the forestry sector - A case study of the forest communities in Banyumas District, Central Java, Indonesia Rosyadi, Slamet; Birner, Regina; Zeller, Manfred 159 – 178,  2003 Book Section
Does technical progress in agriculture have a forest saving or a forest clearing effect? Theory and evidence from Central Sulawesi. Maertens, Miet; Zeller, Manfred; Birner, Regina 179 –198,  2003 Book Section
Evaluation of welfare in rural development projects Doppler, W. 2003 Document
Integration and assessment of participatory approaches in development projects Wolff, H.-P.; Doppler, W. 1–9,  2003 Conference Paper
Interdependenzen der Wald- und Ackernutzung in Nord-Thailand Doppler, W. 121–141, Tübingen: Universität Tübingen, Geographisches Institut, Tübinger Geographische Studien Heft 163 2003 Book Section
Potential und Folgen der Verwendung von Abwasser in ruralen Räumen am Beispiel des Jordantals Wolff, H. P.; Doppler, W.; Nabulsi, A. 2003 Document
Strenght and weakness of higher agricultural education for development Doppler, W. 111–114,  2003 Conference Paper
Strength and weakness of higher agricultural education for development. The case of the University of Hohenheim, Germany Doppler, W. 2003 Document
The role of quantitative analyses in farming systems research Doppler, W. 2003 Document
Towards measuring quality of life in farming systems: A case from Northern Thailand Doppler, W.; Kitchaicharoen, J. 494–504,  2003 Conference Paper
Wohlstand durch Infrastruktur in Entwicklungsländern Doppler, W. 2003 Document
Wohlstand durch Infrastruktur in Entwicklungsländern? Doppler, W. 57–77,  2003 Book Section
European Networks: the role of NATURA in organizing European Universities and Research Institutions Doppler, W. 2002 Document
Farming systems research for rural development Doppler, W. 2002 Document
Globale Landwirtschaft im 21. Jahrhundert Doppler, W. Vorträge und Studien / Zentrum für Umweltforschung der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität,  (131–145). Place: Münster Publisher: Universität Münster 2002 Journal Article
"Ich kaufe, also will ich?" Eine interdisziplinäre Analyse der Entscheidung für oder gegen den Kauf besonders tier- und umweltfreundlich erzeugter Lebensmittel Birner, R.; Bräuer, I.; Grethe, H.; Hirschfeld, J.; Lüth, M.; Meyer, J.; Wälzholz, A.; Wenk, R.; Wittmer, H. 2002 Report
International networking in PhD programmes - The case of Hohenheim University Doppler, W. 2002 Document
Land use and household economy in H'mong mountainous farming systems in Vietnam - The case of Mai Son District Doppler, W.; Anh, T. Do 202–202, Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press 2002 Conference Paper
Low-quality Water Resources and their Impact on Regional Supply and Intersectoral Water Allocation in the Jordan Valley Wolff, H.-P.; Doppler, W. 129–137,  2002 Book Section
Neuere Entwicklungen zur Evaluierung von Entwicklungsprojekten Doppler, W. 2002 Document
New developments in information systems: surveying and data management Doppler, W. 2002 Document
New methodological concepts in micro level surveying and data management Doppler, W. 2002 Document
New trends in farming systems research methodology Doppler, W. 2002 Document
Potential of fuzzy logics in farming systems research Doppler, W. 2002 Document
Research strategies in food security at family level Doppler, W. 2002 Document
Towards measuring quality of life in farming systems: A case from Northern Thailand Doppler, W.; Kitchaicharoen, J. 2002 Document
Globale Landwirtschaft im 21. Jahrhundert Doppler, W. 2001 Document
Socio-economic information systems and databank management at micro level Doppler, W. 2001 Document
Thai Nguyen and Hohenheim co-operation in socio-economic research and training Doppler, W. 2001 Document
The rationale of resource systems research and databank requirements Doppler, W. 2001 Document
The role of land availability and land use in farming and rural development Doppler, W. 2001 Document
Agroforestery systems assessment and adoption at farm level in Southern Benin Floquet, A.; Bothe, M.; Doppler, W. 445–456, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2000 Conference Paper
A participatory livelihood planning approach: farmers participation in modelling and optimizing procedures. Doppler, W.; Floquet, A. 407–418, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2000 Conference Paper
Dynamics and sustainability of farming and regional systems in the Amazon forest margins and savannah of Brazil Doppler, W. 2000 Document
Farming and rural systems. State of Art in Research and Development Doppler, W. 1 – 20, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2000 Conference Paper
Gender modeling and impact assessement of innovations -Results from Benin Doppler, W.; Bothe, M. 369–376, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2000 Conference Paper
Low quality water resources and their impacts on regional water supply and intersectoral water allocation Doppler, W. 2000 Document
Potential of farming systems research for rural development Doppler, W. 2000 Document
Research potential and needs in the Bekaa valley of Lebanon Doppler, W. 2000 Document
Technical and Social Systems Approaches for Sustainable Rural Development Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2000 Book
The impact of land scarcity, soil fertility and innovations on family income of resource poor families in Southern Benin Schlauderer, R.; Doppler, W. 377–386, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 2000 Conference Paper
Concepts on farming and rural systems research Doppler, W. 1999 Document
Farming systems in the Mediterranean Area Doppler, W. 1999 Document
Modelling and simulation of water resurces management Sattarasart, A.; Doppler, W. 171–177,  1999 Book Section
New concepts in farming and rural systems research Doppler, W. 1999 Document
Rural and Farming Systems Analyses: Environmental Perspectives Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 1999 Book
Setting the frame: The Environmental Perspectives in Rural and Farming Systems Analyses. Doppler, W. 1–11, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 1999 Conference Paper
Wood energy production and consumption in a rural and farming systems context. A case of family-householdand local industry, Northern Thailand. Praneetvatakul, S.; Doppler, W. 238–255, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 1999 Conference Paper
About the possibilities to sustainable increase farm-families living standard by introducing alley cropping - the example of Southern Benim Schlauderer, R.; Doppler, W. 93–98,  1998 Conference Paper
Development of technologies for soil fertility improvement in South and Central Benin: Analyses of farmers participation using qualitative choice models. Honagbode, C.; Doppler, W. 531–536, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers 1998 Conference Paper
Farmers' Business and Participation for Sustainable Agriculture in Tropical and Subtropical Highlands Doppler, W. nnb–nnb,  1998 Conference Paper
Farming Systems Modelling - Synthesis Paper Doppler, W. 385–392, Peradeniya: Asian Farming Systems Association, Peradeniya: Asian Farming Systems Association 1998 Conference Paper
Interdependenzen der Wald- und Ackernutzung in Nord-Thailand Doppler, W. 1998 Document
Setting the frame: Environmental perspectives in Rural and Farming Systems analysis Doppler, W. 1998 Document
Socio-economic impact analyses of technical innovations using gender models in Benin Doppler, W.; Honagbode, C.; Bothe, M. 1998 Document
Zur Möglichkeit der nachhaltigen Steigerung bäuerlicher Einkommen durch die Einführung von Alleeanbausystemen - das Beispiel Südbenins Schlauderer, R.; Doppler, W. 1998 Document
Agricultural research and development towards sustainable production systems. Part I Doppler, W. Montpellier: EC, NATURA/NECTAR, Part I: Definitions and concepts of Farming Systems 1997 Book Section
Agricultural research and development towards sustainable production systems. Part II Doppler, W. Montpellier: EC, NATURA/NECTAR, Part II: Methodological tools and investigation techniques of the Farming Systems Approach 1997 Book Section
Application of the Farming Systems Development Concept in Development Projects. Doppler, W. . 45–45. Series: Technical Paper 1997 Report
Daily and Seasonal Labour Allocation in Bedouin Farming Systems of Northern Syria Pape-Christiansen, A.; Doppler, W.; Nordblom, T. L. 553–563, Aleppo: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, Aleppo: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas 1997 Conference Paper
Farming systems research methodology - an overview Doppler, W. 1997 Document
Interdependenzen der Wald- und Ackernutzung in Nord-Thailand Doppler, W. 1997 Document
Landwirtschaftliche Nutzungssysteme, Bodendegradation und Wüstenbildung. Doppler, W. nnb–nnb, Landsberg am Lech: Ecomed-Storck, Landsberg am Lech: Ecomed-Storck 1997 Conference Paper
Planning and appraising agricultural programmes and projects. Economics, social and environmental appraisal. Doppler, W. nnb–nnb, Montpellier: EC, NATURA/NECTAR 1997 Book Section
Research concepts for smallholder and large-scale development in the savannah of Brazil Doppler, W. 1997 Document
The genesis of farming systems in the world Doppler, W. 1997 Document
The potential of irrigation development in Jordan Doppler, W. 1997 Document
Adoption of soil improving and agroforestry innovations in family farms in the Southern Benin Doppler, W.; Floquet, A. . 572–609. Series: Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht 1994-96 1996 Report
Bedouin Systems in Transition. A socio-economic analysis of the change of bedouin systems in the Near East. Doppler, W.; Wachholtz, R. 272–278, . Issue: Vol. 1 1996 Conference Paper
Changing farming systems in the marginal areas bof the Near East - A challenge for Development Policy Doppler, W.; Maurer, M. 1996 Document
International experience in Farming Systems research and their relevance to Nepal Doppler, W. 1996 Document
The History and Future of Systems Research Doppler, W. 31–32, Paris: CIRAD, Paris: CIRAD 1996 Conference Paper
Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands Doppler, W.; Khochidi, M. . Volume: 177 Seiten 1995 Report
Bedouin-Systems in transition - A socio-economic analysis of the change of Bedouin systems in the Near East Doppler, W.; Wachholtz, R. 1995 Document
Bereiche, Formen und Bedeutung der sozialen Sicherung in traditionellen Betriebssystemen - am Beispiel Südbenins Schlauderer, R.; Neef, A.; Doppler, W. 1995 Document
Contributions of Women to Labour- and Decision Making Processes in Bedouin Households of Northern Syria Pape-Christiansen, A.; Doppler, W.; Nordblom, T. L. . 245–260. Series: Annual Report 1994: Pasture, Forage and Livestock Program, Aleppo, Syria 1995 Report
Daily and Seasonal Labour Allocation in Bedouin Farming Systmes of Northern Syria Pape-Christiansen, A.; Doppler, W.; Nordblom, T. L. 1995 Book Section
El papel de los metodos cuantitativos en la integracion de los enfoques de sistemas de finca, de localidades y regionales Doppler, W. 75–86, Santiago: Latin American Center for Rural Development (Rimisp) 1995 Book Section
Intervention on farming systems research Doppler, W. 1995 Document
New methodologies in farming systems research in Northern Thailand Doppler, W. 1995 Document
Pasture, Forage and livestock Program Annual Report 1994 Pape-Christiansen, A.; Nordblom, T.; Doppler, W. . 245–260. Series: nnb 1995 Report
Farming Systems Approach and its Relevance for Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Doppler, W. 65–78,  1994 Conference Paper
The Role of Quantitative Methods in Integrated Farming, Village and Regional Systems Approaches. Doppler, W. 63–70,  1994 Conference Paper
Analysis of farm and household systems and its role in project evaluation Doppler, W. 1993 Document
Contribution of the Farming Systems Approach to Regional Food Security and Rural Infrastructure Doppler, W. 135–146,  1993 Book Section
Economic assessment of biotechnology in livestock production in developing countries. Doppler, W. 181–191,  Part I: Animal Reproduction and Breeding 1993 Book Section
Livestock development in Turkey. Farming systems development in Erzurum and Konya Provinces Doppler, W. . Series: nnb 1993 Report
Possible impact of forest decline for the development of farms Doppler, W. 1993 Document
Relevance of decision-oriented Farming Systems approach in east-european countries Doppler, W. 1993 Document
The contribution of farm systems analysis to food security and rural infrastructure development Doppler, W. 1993 Document
The role of quantitative methods in farm management Doppler, W. 1993 Document
A concept for future co-operation between Hohenheim and Serdang University Doppler, W. 1992 Document
Besitzverhältnisse und Nutzung von Resourcen und ihre langfristigen sozioökonomischen Wirkungen in Entwicklungsländern. Doppler, W. 4–6,  1992 Conference Paper
Economic assessment of biotechnology for the development of animal production Doppler, W. 1992 Document
Entwicklungstendenzen, Probleme und Lösungsansätze landwirtschaftlicher Betriebssysteme. Doppler, W. 111–132,  1992 Conference Paper
Farming Systems Development in Academic Training. Doppler, W.; Maurer, M. 91–106,  1992 Book Section
Farming Systems Research and Extension Doppler, W. . 1–4. Series: State of art Paper 1992 Report
State of the Art in farming systems research Doppler, W. 1992 Document
The Farming Systems Approach - new concepts and their relevance for development Doppler, W. 1992 Document
The potential of the farming systems approach for Turkis agricultural research Doppler, W. 1992 Document
The role of availability and use of resources for its long-term potential Doppler, W. 1992 Document
Farming systems development in academic training Doppler, W. 1991 Document
Information systems on farm level Doppler, W. 1991 Document
Landwirtschaftliche Betriebssysteme in den Tropen und Subtropen Doppler, W. 216 SeitenStuttgart: Verlag Eugen Ulmer 1991 Book
Methodology in project economics Doppler, W. 1991 Document
Nyankpala Agricultural Experiment Station, Ghana Doppler, W.; Flohrschütz, G.; Ritter, W. . Series: Evaluation Report 1991 Report
Tendencies, problems and solutions in the development of Farming Systems Doppler, W. 1991 Document
Einsatzmöglichkeiten quantitativer Methoden der Betriebsanalyse und -plannung in der tropischen Landwirtschaft Doppler, W. 1990 Document
Methoden und Techniken der Agrarsektoranalyse und -planung. Doppler, W. 8–8,  1990 Book Section
Methodology in project economics Doppler, W. 1990 Document
Methodology in project economics Doppler, W. 1990 Document
Technische Fortschritte in der Veterinärökonomie der Tropen. Doppler, W. 267–276,  1990 Book Section
Efficiency and impact of irrigation development and management Doppler, W. 103–133,  1989 Book Section
Efficiency and impact of irrigation development and management Doppler, W. 1989 Document
Farm and household new concepts for the Tropics Doppler, W. 1989 Document
Farming systems research and its role in development Doppler, W. 1989 Document
New dimensions of the farming systems approach Doppler, W. 1989 Document
Past development and future potential of the farming systems approach Doppler, W. 1989 Document
Past development and future potential of the methodology of farming systems research Doppler, W. 49–49,  1989 Conference Paper
Project planning methods Doppler, W. 1989 Document
Report to the Faculty of Economics and Management Doppler, W. . Volume: 9 Seiten 1989 Report
Small farm systems development in Kenya Doppler, W. 1989 Report
Technical innovations in veterinary economics in the Tropics Doppler, W. 1989 Document
The treatment of probability distributions on stochastic methods of farm planning. Doppler, W.; März, U. 353–362,  1989 Book Section
Uncertainty and risk in project planning Doppler, W. 1989 Document
Uncertainty and risk in project planning. Doppler, W. 420–444,  1989 Conference Paper
Die Ökonomie ausgewählter Strategien im tropischen Pflanzenschutz Wolff, H. P.; Doppler, W.; März, U. 1988 Document
Possibilities and limits of stochastic programming models in farm planning Doppler, W. 1988 Document
Potential for new strategies in crop protection Doppler, W. 1988 Document
Probability distribution in stochastic farm planning Doppler, W.; März, U. 1988 Document
Production, processing and marketing of milk and milk products in Burma Doppler, W.; Rabold, K. . Series: Report Volume: 116 Seiten 1988 Report
Tangail Rural Development Project Doppler, W.; März, U. . Series: Report Volume: 70 Seiten 1988 Report
The economics of selected strategies in tropical crop protection Doppler, W. . Volume: 138 Seiten 1988 Report
The role of farming systems approach in undergraduate training Doppler, W. 1988 Document
Veterinary Laboratory Pong Tamale. Analysis of the Veterinary Concept in Northern Region, Ghana Doppler, W.; Gyening, K.; März, U. . 108–108. Series: nnb 1988 Report
Analysis and development of large scale and contract smallholders in Ghana Doppler, W. . 121–121. Series: Report 1987 Report
Development problems at farm, household, village and project level from an agricultural economist's point of view. Doppler, W. 94–101,  2 1987 Book Section
Economics of selected strategies in crop protection Doppler, W. 1987 Document
Long term development planning under uncertainty Doppler, W. 1987 Document
Recommendations concerning Government planning at the Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Range, Somalia Doppler, W. . 122–122. Series: nnb 1987 Report
Rural development in the region San Pedro Norte, Paraguay. An in-depth survey and target group analysis Barkow, A.; Doppler, W.; Dietze, R. E. . 148–148. Series: nnb 1987 Report
Socio-economic research at ICARDA, ICRISAT and IRRI. Doppler, W.; Dangelmaier, W. 77–84,  2 1987 Book Section
Biological oriented crop protection in the Philipines Doppler, W.; Pag, H.; Theunissen, J. . Series: project proposal Volume: 109 Seiten 1986 Report
Cost-benefit analysis of veterinary programmes Doppler, W. 1986 Document
Determination of seed prices. Engelhardt, T.; Doppler, W. Entwicklung + ländlicher Raum, 31472 (9–11). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 1986 Journal Article
Development of settlement areas in Thailand Doppler, W.; Prinz, D. . 201 Seiten–201 Seiten. Series: nnb 1986 Report
Economic analysis of farms and the role of veterinary measures Doppler, W. 1986 Document
Final evaluation of the plant protection project in the Philipines Doppler, W.; Pag, H.; Theunissen, J.; Thiel, R.; Steinwandter, H. . Volume: 148 Seiten 1986 Report
Improvement of the crop protection service in Madagascar Doppler, W.; Link, R. . 250 Seiten–250 Seiten. Series: nnb 1986 Report
Technical aid - chances and risks Doppler, W. 1986 Document
Uncertainty and risk in project planning Doppler, W. 1986 Document
Veterinary epidemiology in Central Rangeland of Somalia Doppler, W.; Putt, N. . Volume: 116 Seiten 1986 Report
Farming systems research at IRRI. Doppler, W.; Kaiser, K. Entwicklung + ländlicher Raum, 31199 (18–19). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 1985 Journal Article
Food supply or help for selfhelp? Doppler, W. 1985 Document
Improvement of cotton production in the Philipines Doppler, W.; Engelhardt, T. . 140 Seiten–140 Seiten. Series: Summary Report 1985 Report
Improvement of goat production in Jordan Doppler, W.; Jaudas, U. . 74 Seiten–74 Seiten. Series: nnb 1985 Report
Improvement of the efficiency of animal disease control in Columbia Gall, C.; Doppler, W. . 106 Seiten–106 Seiten. Series: nnb 1985 Report
Micro- and macro-economic aspects of mechanization in the Third World. Doppler, W.; Engelhardt, T. Entwicklung + ländlicher Raum, 31168 (3–5). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 1985 Journal Article
Planung, Evaluierung und Management von Entwicklungsprojekten Doppler, W. 460 SeitenKiel: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel 1985 Book
Possibilities and constraints of increasing production in developing countries through irrigation. Doppler, W. 93–107,  1985 Book Section
Strategies of veterinary epidemiology with special reference to ectoparasites in Jordan Doppler, W.; Schenkel, F. . 85 Seiten–85 Seiten. Series: nnb 1985 Report
The role of inputs in intensifying farming systems in developing countries. Doppler, W. 71–87,  1985 Book Section
Economic analysis and planning of rabbit husbandry in the tropics and subtropics. Doppler, W.; Zimmermann, E. 167–181;226,  1984 Book Section
Organization and extension in irrigation systems Doppler, W. 1984 Document
Risk reduction in smallholdings in the South-West of Madagascar through Locust control Doppler, W.; Harnisch, R. . 140 Seiten–140 Seiten. Series: nnb 1984 Report
Strategies to prevent agricultural production from bird damage in Somalia Doppler, W.; Dorow, W.; Nagel, P. . 131 Seiten–131 Seiten. Series: nnb 1984 Report
The use of inputs for intensification of land use systems in developing countries Doppler, W. 1984 Document
Approaches for developing farming systems with special emphasis on the importance of small ruminants Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Aspect of farm management in the Tropical context Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Experiences with academic institutions and co-operations in East Africa Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Food production as a contribution to Peace Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Food supply and its contribution to peace Doppler, W. 29–45,  1983 Book Section
Future aspects on farm economics for agricultural development Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Irrigation as a basis for development. Doppler, W. Plant research and development, 17 (26–36). Place: Tübingen Publisher: Institut für Wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Entwicklungsländern 1983 Journal Article
Irrigation as a development strategy Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Micro- and macroeconomic methods in tropical veterinary medicine Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Possibilities and limits of increasing agricultural production in developing countries through irrigation Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Possibilities of supporting Kurtun-Warey and Sablaale settlement schemes in Somalia Doppler, W. . 39 Seiten–39 Seiten. Series: nnb 1983 Report
Potential manpower support for technical aid of Baden-Württenberg Doppler, W. 1983 Document
Development potential of medium scale ranches in Togo. The case of Avetonou system Doppler, W. 1982 Document
Economics of beef production under changing price conditions in Togo Doppler, W. 1982 Document
Economics of beef production under changing price conditions in Togo Development potential of medium-scale ranches in Togo - the case of Avetonou system Doppler, W. 245–253,303,  1982 Book Section
Economics of veterinary services Doppler, W. 1982 Document
Empirical aspects of the economics of tropical veterinary medicine Doppler, W. 1982 Document
Farm and Project Planning. Doppler, W. 420–443,  1982 Book Section
Improvement of veterinary field services, artificial inseminatio, and animal production in the Ghab, Syria Doppler, W.; Richter, W. . 112 Seiten–112 Seiten. Series: nnb 1982 Report
Irrigation as a development strategy. Doppler, W. 197–204,  1982 Book Section
Methodological aspects of the economics of tropical veterinary medicine Doppler, W. 1982 Document
The farming systems research approach in developing countries Doppler, W. 1982 Document
Economics of small-sclae rabbit production and marketing in the tropics and subtropics Doppler, W.; Zimmerman, E. 1981 Document
Results of research in agricultural economics and future programs at Avetonou/Togo Doppler, W. . 21 Seiten–21 Seiten. Series: nnb 1981 Report
Economic aspects of mechanization in irrigation systems in semi-arid zones Doppler, W. 1980 Document
Economic aspects of mechanization in irrigation systems in semi-arid zones. Doppler, W. 161–188,  Arbeiten der DLG. Issue: 173 1980 Conference Paper
Economics and management of small scale irrigation systems Doppler, W. 1980 Document
Farm management in Kenya Doppler, W. . 274 Seiten–274 Seiten. Series: nnb 1980 Report
Future research priorities in irrigation economics Doppler, W. . 8 Seiten–8 Seiten. Series: nnb 1980 Report
Possibilities and constraints in a development planning Doppler, W. . 14 Seiten–14 Seiten. Series: Department paper 1980 Report
Possibilities and constraints in agricultural development planning Doppler, W. 1980 Document
Simulation von produktionsalternativen in grossbetrieblichen Rinderhaltungssystemen in Togo Doppler, W.; Sere, C.; Buckenhüskes, H. 39–50,  1980 Book Section
The economics of artificial pastures in Aventonou, Togo. Doppler, W.; Schreiber, J. 23–51,  1980 Book Section
The economics of pasture improvement and beef production in semi-humid West Africa Doppler, W. 195 SeitenEschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) 105 1980 Book
Wirschaftlichkeit der Rindfleischproduktion mit vershiedenen Rassen und Kreuzungen in Avetonou, Togo Doppler, W.; Sere, C.; Schreiber, J. 30–39,  1980 Book Section
Analysis of the data basis for development planning in areas of the Mahaweli Ganga, Sri Lanka Doppler, W. . 64 Seiten–64 Seiten. Series: nnb 1979 Report
Development aspects of beef production systems on improved pastures in the semi-humid savannah of Togo Doppler, W. 1979 Document
Analysis and prognoses of microeconomic implications of irrigated agriculture in Bou Heurtma project, Tunisia Doppler, W. . 821 Seiten–821 Seiten. Series: nnb 1978 Report
Concepts and implementation of research programs in economics of grazing systems and beef production with different degrees of Trypanotolerance at Avetonou, Togo Doppler, W. . 100 Seiten–100 Seiten. Series: nnb 1978 Report
Einführung in die Projektplanung und Projektbeurteilung Doppler, W. Bamberg: Verlag aku-fotodruck 1978 Book
Framework for veterinary pricing policy Doppler, W. 1978 Document
Project appraisal methods Doppler, W. 1978 Document
Theoretical framework for pricing policies for veterinary services. Sere, C.; Doppler, W. 1482–491,  1978 Conference Paper
Economics of veterinary measures Doppler, W. 1977 Document
Follow up phase in the extension and training project Savar/Bangladesh Doppler, W.; Huhn, J.; Teuscher, T.; Voigtländer, G. . 44 Seiten–44 Seiten. Series: nnb 1977 Report
Methodological Aspects in Project Planning. Doppler, W.; Walker, H. H. Entwicklung + ländlicher Raum, 1 (10–15). Place: Frankfurt am Main Publisher: DLG-Verlag 1977 Journal Article
Principles of farming systems in the tropics Doppler, W. 1977 Document
The World Water Conference: A suggested action programme on irrigation management (by the Members of the "Workshp of Choices in irrigation Management" organized by Overseas Development Institute, London) Bottrall, A.; Doppler, W.; Carruther, I. ODI review, Nr.1 (April) (106–110) 1977 Journal Article
Determination and levying of water charges in irrigation schemes Doppler, W. 1976 Document
Development methods Doppler, W. 1976 Document
Feasibility study for mechanized farming in Southern Darfur - Southern Kordofan - Bahr el Ghazal Doppler, W.; Schnittger, L.; Verhoeven, H. . 89 Seiten–89 Seiten. Series: Feasibility study 1976 Report
Simulation models for water allocation within a farm and a region Doppler, W. 521–541,  1976 Book Section
Situation and development of agriculture in the irrigation schemes Masri, Cap-Bon and Bou Heurtma, Tunisia Doppler, W. . Volume: 76 Seiten 1976 Report
Increase of agricultural production in the Sudan. Doppler, W.; Ramm, R.; Schnittger, L.; Verhoeven, H. . 122+31–122+31. Volume: Vol 1: Prefeasibility study; Vol. 2: Terms of reference for feasibility study 1975 Report
Planning in irrigation water management Doppler, W. 1975 Document
Planning methods in agricultural and rural development Doppler, W. 1975 Document
Simulation models for water allocation - a case in the Near East Doppler, W. 1975 Document
Die Anwendung rekursiver, linearer Modelle zur Analyse und Prognose regionaler Strukturentwicklung im Agrarsektor Doppler, W. 183 SeitenFrankfurt am Main: Alfred Strothe Verlag, Sonderheft 56 1974 Book Section
Recursive and simulation models to optimise agricultural resource allocation Doppler, W. 1972 Document
State of knowledge in labour mobility research. Hanf, C. H.; Doppler, W. 199–220,  1972 Book Section