Juliet Kariuki


Juliet Kariuki holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, a Master of Arts degree in Environment, Culture, and Society, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. Her post-doctoral research focuses on understanding the social dimensions of livestock management mostly in sub-Saharan Africa with a focus on gender and equity. Specifically, she has worked on gendered dimensions in livestock breeding, marketing, risk management, and natural resource management. She has experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research to understand the inter- and intrahousehold dynamics of men and women in livestock-dependent households. Juliet was DAAD scholarship-holder and was granted a Research Fellowship position during her doctoral studies with the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) where she was also employed both before and after the completion of her doctoral studies.


Selected publications

Kariuki, J. 2019. Gender and Livestock. In: Ferranti, P., Berry, E.M., Anderson, J.R. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability, vol. 3, pp. 481–487. Elsevier.

Kariuki, J., Chomba, S. and Birner, R. 2018. Exploring Institutional Factors Influencing Equity in Two Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes. Conservation and Society. 16, 3: 320-337.

Kariuki, J. and Birner, R. 2016. Are Market-Based Conservation Schemes Gender-Blind? A Qualitative Study of Three Cases from Kenya. Society and Natural Resources. 29: 432-447.

Chomba, S., Kariuki, J., Friis Lund, J. and Sinclair, F. 2016. Roots of inequity: How the implementation of REDD+ reinforces past injustice. Land Use Policy, 50: 202–213.

Waithanji, E. Njuki, J., Mburu, S., Kariuki, J. and Njeru, F. 2015. A gendered analysis of goat ownership and marketing in Meru, Kenya, Development in Practice, 25:2, 188-203.

Njuki, J., Waithanji, E., Sakwa, B., Kariuki, J., Mukewa, E. Ngige, J. 2014. A Qualitative Assessment of Gender and Irrigation Technology in Kenya and Tanzania. Gender, Technology and Development, 18(3): 303-340.

Kariuki, J. and Njuki, J. 2013. Using Participatory Impact Diagrams to Evaluate a Community Development Project in Kenya. Development in Practice, 23: 1, 90 – 106.

Kariuki, J., Njuki, J., Mburu, S. and Waithanji, E. 2013. Women, Livestock Ownership and Food Security in Njuki, J and Sanginga, P. (eds). Women, Livestock Ownership and Markets: Bridging the Gender Gap in Eastern and Southern Africa. Earthscan.

Silvestri, S., Osano, P., de Leeuw, J., Herrero, M., Ericksen, P., Kariuki, J., Njuki, J., Bedelian, C. and Notenbaert, A. 2012. Greening Livestock: Assessing the potential of payment for environmental services in livestock inclusive agricultural production systems in developing countries. Nairobi: ILRI.

Mburu, S., Njuki, J. and Kariuki, J. 2012. Intra-household access to livestock information and financial services in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 24, Article #38.

Matsaert, H., Kariuki, J. and Mude, A. 2011. Index-based livestock insurance for Kenyan pastoralists: An innovation systems perspective. Development in Practice 21(3):343-356.